1. 广告到达(Ad Reach):衡量广告在目标受众中的覆盖范围和到达程度。它可以包括广告的人数、频次、覆盖率等方面的评估。
2. 广告认知(Ad Awareness):评估受众对广告的注意程度和认知水平。这包括广告被注意到的程度、受众对广告内容的理解和记忆等。
3. 广告记忆(Ad Recall):衡量受众对广告内容的记忆和回忆能力。它可以分为未提示回忆(自由回忆)和提示回忆(提示下回忆)两种形式。
4. 广告态度(Ad Attitude):评估受众对广告的态度和喜好程度。这包括受众对广告的喜欢程度、对广告中传递的信息的接受程度等。
5. 品牌认知度(Brand Awareness):衡量广告对品牌知名度的影响。它可以包括受众对品牌的识别程度、品牌相关信息的记忆程度等。
6. 行为意向(Behavioral Intention):评估受众对广告引起的行为意向和购买意愿。这包括受众是否愿意购买产品或采取其他预期行动。
The key indicators for evaluating advertising effectiveness
Advertising effectiveness evaluation involves multiple key indicators. Here are some common ones:
1. Ad Reach: Measures the coverage and extent to which the ad reaches the target audience. It can include evaluations of the number of people exposed to the ad, frequency, and coverage.
2. Ad Awareness: Assesses the level of audience attention and awareness of the ad. This includes the extent to which the ad is noticed, audience understanding of the ad content, and recall.
3. Ad Recall: Measures the audience's ability to remember and recall the ad content. It can be categorized into unaided recall (free recall) and aided recall (recall with prompts).
4. Ad Attitude: Evaluates the audience's attitude and preference towards the ad. This includes the degree of liking and acceptance of the ad message.
5. Brand Awareness: Measures the impact of the ad on brand recognition. It includes the audience's ability to identify the brand and recall brand-related information.
6. Behavioral Intention: Evaluates the audience's behavioral intention and purchase willingness triggered by the ad. This includes whether the audience is willing to purchase the product or take other intended actions.
These indicators help advertising practitioners assess the effectiveness of advertising strategies, determine the impact of advertising communication, and provide guidance for advertising optimization and decision-making. Depending on the specific goals and audience characteristics of the ad, other indicators may also be used for comprehensive evaluation.