
  • 产品规格:
  • 发货地:湖南省长沙岳麓区咸嘉湖街道


1. 物业服务质量:

• 物业管理团队的响应速度和问题解决能力。

• 维修和保养服务的及时性和质量。

• 公共区域的清洁程度和维护状况。

• 社区设施的管理和维护情况(如游泳池、健身房等)。

2. 环境质量:

• 绿化植被的养护情况和景观设计。

• 噪音和空气质量的控制。

• 垃圾处理和环境卫生管理。

3. 安全与安保:

• 门禁系统的有效性和安全性。

• 安全巡逻和监控设备的运行状况。

• 处理居民安全问题的能力和措施。

4. 社区活动与设施:

• 社区组织的活动多样性和质量(如庆祝活动、社交活动等)。

• 公共设施的可用性和维护情况。

• 社区设施使用规则的清晰度和公正性。

5. 居民沟通与处理:

• 物业管理与居民之间的沟通渠道和效果。

• 反馈意见和的处理及时性和解决程度。

• 居民参与决策和反馈制的存在与开放度。

6. 费用管理与透明度:

• 物业费用的合理性和透明度。

• 收费规则和费用清单的清晰度。

• 费用使用的公正性和合理性。




Design of detailed indicators for residential property satisfaction

Designing detailed indicators for residential property satisfaction encompasses various aspects, including property service quality, environmental quality, safety and security, community activities and facilities, resident communication and complaint handling, as well as cost management and transparency. Here are some common examples of detailed indicator design:

1. Property Service Quality:

• Responsiveness and problem-solving capabilities of the property management team.

• Timeliness and quality of maintenance and repair services.

• Cleanliness and maintenance of common areas.

• Management and maintenance of community facilities (e.g., swimming pool, gym).

2. Environmental Quality:

• Maintenance and landscape design of greenery.

• Control of noise and air quality.

• Waste disposal and environmental hygiene management.

3. Safety and Security:

• Effectiveness and security of access control systems.

• Operation of security patrols and monitoring devices.

• Capability and measures in addressing resident safety issues.

4. Community Activities and Facilities:

• Diversity and quality of community organized activities (e.g., celebrations, social events).

• Availability and maintenance of public facilities.

• Clarity and fairness of rules governing the use of community facilities.

5. Resident Communication and Complaint Handling:

• Effectiveness of communication channels between property management and residents.

• Timeliness and resolution of feedback and complaints.

• Existence and openness of mechanisms for resident participation in decision-making and feedback.

6. Cost Management and Transparency:

• Reasonableness and transparency of property fees.

• Clarity of fee rules and billing statements.

• Fairness and rationality in the utilization of fees.

When designing detailed indicators, various evaluation methods can be used, such as rating scales, satisfaction levels, or satisfaction indices, to facilitate data collection and analysis. Additionally, considering the weighting of different indicators can reflect their respective importance. The final indicator design should be adjusted and customized based on specific property management circumstances and research objectives.
